As of November 24, 2005 2:34 AM (Pacific Standard Time, GMT -8:00),
TrendLabs has declared a Medium Risk Virus Alert to control the spread of WORM_MYTOB.MX.
TrendLabs has received several infection reports indicating that this malware is spreading in Eastern Europe, Japan, India, China, Sweden, France, Spain, Austria, and Germany.
This memory-resident worm spreads copies of itself as an attachment to email messages, which it sends to target addresses, using its own Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) engine. Through this SMTP engine, it is able to easily send the said email message even without using other mailing
applications, such as Microsoft Outlook.
The email message that it sends has the following details:
From: (Spoofed)
Subject: (any of the following)
? DETECTED Online User Violation
? Important Notification
? Notice Account limitation
? Security Measures
? You have successfully updated your password
? Your Account is Suspended
? Your Account is Suspended For Security Reasons
? Your password has been successfully updated
? Your Password has been updated
Message Body: (any of the following)
Dear {User Profile} Member,
Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of unsolicited spam messages during the recent week. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and confirm the attached document so you will not run into any future problems with the online service.
If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to cancel your membership.
Virtually yours,
The {User Profile}, Support Team
Dear user {User Profile},
It has come to our attention that your {User Profile}, ( x ) records are out of date. For further details see the attached document.
Thank you for using {User Profile}!
The {User Profile} Support Team
+++ Attachment: No Virus (Clean)
+++ "Name" Antivirus - www.{User Profile}.com
Dear user {User Profile},
You have successfully updated the password of your {User Profile} account.
If you did not authorize this change or if you need assistance with your account, please contact customer service at: register@{User Profile}.com
Thank you for using {User Profile}!
The {User Profile} Support Team
+++ Attachment: No Virus (Clean)
+++ "Name" Antivirus - www. {User Profile}.com
Dear {User Profile} Member,
We have temporarily suspended your email account {User Profile}.
This might be due to either of the following reasons:
1. A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address).
2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
3. An innability to accurately verify your selected option of subscription due to an internal error within our processors.
See the details to reactivate your {User Profile} account.
Sincerely,The Support Team
+++ Attachment: No Virus (Clean)
+++ {User Profile}Antivirus www.{User Profile}
NOTE: {User Profile}, is equal to the computer's Domain User Name
Attachment: (any of the following file names)
? accepted-password
? account-details
? account-info
? account-password
? account-report
? approved-password
? documeng
? email-details
? email-password
? important-details
? new-password
? password
? readme
? updated-password
This worm also propagates via network shares. It searches for available shared folders within the network and attempts to drop copies of itself into these shares. It also generates random IP addresses and attempts to drop copies of itself into the said addresses' default shares. It uses the account details of the currently logged user to gain access to password-protected shares.
It has backdoor capabilities, which enable a remote malicious user to perform commands on the affected system, thus compromising system security.
It runs on Windows NT, 2000, and XP.
TrendLabs will be releasing the following EPS deliverables:
TMCM Outbreak Prevention Policy 189 - released
Official Pattern Release 2.967.00 - released
Damage Cleanup Template 682 - being created
NVW 10233 - being created